Via Separations

Ep. 25 decarbonizing manufacturing

Via Separations is decarbonizing the manufacturing of raw materials that go into the goods and products we use every day using a physical strainer-like-separator to isolate one set of molecules from another.


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Why We Made this Film

Most of us don't think about the energy that it takes to make the goods and products all around us. Inputs like papers, plastics, silicones, and rubbers make up our clothing, our home goods, our office supplies, and so much more. A whopping 15% of U.S. energy consumption goes into the separation process to make these products, roughly the same amount as all the gasoline used for transportation.

That’s a big problem to tackle. But Shreya Dave didn’t shy away from it - even when her fellow graduate student (who would one day become her CTO) said her project was nearly impossible. She forged ahead to create Via Separations, a company that utilizes proprietary technology to reduce the load on energy-intensive evaporators and distillers that produce the everyday materials we all use.

They liken their tech to a strainer, directly pressing water out of that mixture and using 80 to 95% less energy. In just the pulp and paper industry, that process would save about 267 million metric tons of CO2 per year, deployed globally.


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