Our Vision
Imagine a world where climate change has already been solved.
So how did it happen?
It wasn’t one thing alone. It didn’t happen thanks only to carbon capture, or wind power, or solar power, or plant-based foods, or Tesla to the rescue. It was hundreds of ideas, thousands of companies, millions of people. It was a whole movement.
That movement is happening right now. The companies leading that movement need workers, investors, and government support—and most of all, they need to educate the rest of us about what they’re building, in order to build momentum and bolster support.
That’s where Pique Action comes in.
We believe that the human capital necessary to solve climate change already exists—we’re just not connecting the pieces well enough right now. Our mission is to help connect those pieces. We aren’t climate mercenaries—we’re missionaries. We’ll either solve climate change together, or not at all. We vote for the first option.
We are carbon neutral, we practice what we preach, and we seek to inspire wonder and affect change.
This is Pique.
Our mission is to change the conversation. We focus on the solutions and the positive stories. We elevate the people in the fight solving problems, and we help get the entrepreneurs what they need - public awareness to push policy, investment, and workers. How do we do that? Reach millions through social. We are the opposite of doom scrolling.
*Pique Action, PBC is a Public Benefit Corporation. The company stated in its certificate of incorporation that its specific public benefit purpose is: “to effect positive social and environmental change on a local and global scale through the production and distribution of original content”