Umaro Foods

Ep. 48 Ocean-Grown, Plant-Based Bacon

Today, we devote 40% of all habitable land on earth to raising livestock. We need to diversify our protein sources - and Umaro Foods has found a way to do it. They’re cultivating seaweed to improve the quality and sustainability of plant-based meat. Starting with bacon.


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Why We Made this Film

In terms of plant protein, a person’s options are really rather limited. There are legumes, soy, nuts, and peas, but not much more. According to the startup Umaro Foods, we may be overlooking Earth's most scalable and sustainable protein bioreactor.

Our oceans contain 80% of the world's chemically reactive nitrogen, the building block of protein. And while we do currently use the ocean for protein, it’s mainly in an exploitative way via capturing fish.

Umaro Foods is a startup utilizing the ecological benefits of seaweed to provide us with a sustainable source of protein, and they’re starting with our favorite breakfast staple… bacon 🥓😍


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