Climate Finance Solutions

Ep. 42 HOW to Scale A Climate Startup - Fund It.

Solving the climate crisis is an urgent problem. The solution involves scaling climate technology as quickly as possible - but many businesses struggle to find funding. Climate Finance Solutions connects companies around the world to the capital they need to help build a better planet.


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Why We Made this Film

To solve the climate crisis, we're going to need to spend about $5 trillion per year on climate by 2030. Right now, however, we’re spending less than $1 trillion. 

We know we have to scale climate technology as quickly as possible - but many businesses struggle to find funding. And even when they do, it may not be the kind that’s best for business. Startups are 2x more likely to succeed when backed by non-dilutive funding - or funding that does not require companies to give up equity. So who’s going to be there to support them?

It might be Founder and CEO Joel Armin-Hoiland of Climate Finance Solution. When he came to terms with the urgency required in facing the climate crisis, he knew he had to act. Now, his startup connects companies around the world to the capital they need to help build a better planet.


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