Dandelion Energy

Ep. 12 tapping into geothermal

Dandelion Energy is a geothermal heating and cooling company. By replacing furnaces and boilers with geothermal systems, they’re able to harvest a reliable, natural energy source while cutting down on costs and emissions.


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Why We Made this Film

While at Google X, Kathy Hannun had a front-row seat to the groundbreaking technologies of the future. Yet she left this prestigious post for a solution that is rather simple - harvesting the earth’s heat.

Geothermal energy is unquestionably part of our renewable future, but how Dandelion Energy is deploying the technology at a residential level was quite interesting to us. Considering that the combination of space heating, water heating, and air conditioning makes up 55% of energy use in the average home, it makes sense to deploy a boutique solution for homeowners. By replacing outdated equipment with a geothermal heating and cooling system, a home’s carbon emission output could be zeroed out.

This simple solution also cuts costs, which might be the most attractive feature for homeowners. Inspired by the abundant and cost-effective nature of the ground’s heat, Hannun is on a mission to make this natural resource available to anyone who wants it.


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