Compound Foods

Ep. 19 climate change could ruin coffee. unless...

Over 60% of Americans drink coffee daily - and that volume of production contributes to a significant amount of water and land consumption. Compound Foods is using biotechnology to create coffee without the beans to preserve valuable resources like land and water.


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Why We Made this Film

When we first chatted with Maricel Saenz, Compound Foods’ Founder and CEO, she dropped a stat that froze us all: the price of coffee as a commodity had doubled in the last year. This price increase was driven by a winter freeze in Brazil, but other factors resullting from climate change, such as heat waves and water shortages, also posed serious challenges. To us, this was alarming. Could we really imagine a pleasant future without coffee?

Saenz, a native of San Jose, Costa Rica where there’s a rich history of coffee production, is well suited to take on this challenge. Given her unique appreciation for the craft of coffee and her rich scientific background, we knew we had to share her story with our audience. 

Compound Foods uses biotechnology to create coffee without the beans, cutting down on land and water use while maintaining high quality standards. Given that over 60% of Americans drink coffee daily, and it’s estimated that 2 billion cups of coffee are consumed worldwide everyday, we’re confident this is a story that will resonate with many others.


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